You can love it or hate it, but Facebook is here to stay. At least for some more time and Facebook ads or advertising are an excellent way of reaching out to targeted audiences to sell your services of products.

To get the most out of your Facebook ads, you need to optimize them. Here are some simple tried and tested tips to help you do just that.

  1. Target Your Audience Based on Income: Some businesses target the higher income population, some sell items that cost more than their competitors, and some sell low price point items. Facebook is a great place to sell your products or services, no matter what the price point because you can target your income group based on their yearly income. Go to the Facebook Ad Manager and enter the settings for your ad set. Then click on more demographics, then click Income to select your targeted income group.


  1. Identify Genders and Age Groups With the Potential to be Profitable: Not all gender or age groups will perform the same. You can easily miss an opportunity or find yourself with an age group that is not profitable. The way to avoid this is to analyse the performance of a specific gender or age group. You can do this by logging into your Ad Manager, click Reports, then Report Options. Next, choose a date range you wish to analyse, then click Customize Columns to select the values to report on.


  1. Set up Remarketing Pixel: Visitors that arrive at your website from traffic sources like Google AdWords, but do not convert are usually price comparing. By the time they are finished with their comparisons, the chances are that they may not remember your business or product. Facebook remarketing can be handy for reaching traffic that came from Google AdWords originally. To create a remarketing pixel,  log into your Ad manager, click on Audiences, then click on Create Audience. Next click Custom Audience, then Website Traffic and begin the step-by-step process to create your remarketing pixel. Install the code in your website’s footer, then return to the Website traffic drop down menu and choose People Who Visit Specific Web Pages. From here, you can create lists of people that visit a specific website page, and target/exclude accordingly.


  1. Test Audiences That Look the Same – Lookalike Audiences: A lookalike audience is simply a list of users that share similar characteristics to users of a site’s specific audience. There are tons of opportunities here. For example, you can advertise to those who are the same or similar to those who visit your site already. To create a lookalike audience, log into Advertising Manager, choose Audiences. Next click Create Audience and then select Lookalike Audience from the drop-down menu. Choose Select the Source Audience of your Lookalike Audience and Target Country. Lastly, pick the size of your audience — the smaller the size, the more targeted.


  1. Advertise on Instagram Make sure your placement includes Instagram. Most businesses have a greater reach on Instagram, and it is more beneficial to run them from Facebook, primarily due to Facebook analytics being better.

Facebook ads can be very profitable, bringing highly targeted traffic to your site. You need to understand all the dynamics of setting up a successful Facebook ad campaign and optimize it. As long as you monitor and optimize your Facebook ads, they will give you the ROI you seek.

If you need help with your Facebook ads, you can contact us here or email us on